Papeles de Aguas Subterráneas nº 6: Sustainable groundwater exploitation for Agriculture; current issues and recent initiatives in the developing world

Papeles de Aguas Subterráneas nº 6

Número 6 de los PAS.

Año 2000. 20 x 14 cm. 47 páginas.

Encuadernación: Blanda.

ISBN: 84-95516-15-2.

Autor: Stephen Foster

Idioma: inglés.

Groundwater management is among the most important, least recognised and highly complex of natural resource challenges facing society. Major expansion in the exploitation for groundwater resources in many developing nations has brought important benefits to the rural community, including agricultural productivity and improved domestic well-being.

However, the rates of abstraction by agricultural users have, in the numerous areas, led to marked degradation of the resource base, in terms of aquifer overdraft and quality deterioration, bringing into question the sustainability of associated rural development.

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