Autores: Llamas, M.R. y Custodio, E. (2003). Intensive use of groundwater: challenges and opportunities. Balkema, Dordrecht.
Libro completo: whole book Llamas, M.R. y Custodio, E. (2003). Intensive use of groundwater: challenges and opportunities page i-480.pdf
00.Section 1. General Considerations. Custodio y Llamas.
01.Intensive use of groundwater: a new situation which demands proactive action. Llamas.
02.Intensive groundwater use in urban areas: the case of megacities. Howard.
03.Groundwater for irrigation: productivity gains and the need tomanage hydro-environmental risk. Burke.
04.Environmental implications of intensive groundwater use with special regard to streams and wetlands. Sophocleous.
05.The impact of aquifer intensive use on groundwater quality. Vrba.
06.Intensive groundwater development in coastal zones and small islands. Koussis.
07.Conjunctive use as potential solution for stressed aquifers: social constraints. Sahuquillo.
08.Drought as a catalyser of intensive groundwater use. Lopez Geta.
09.Should intensive use of non-renewable groundwater resources always be rejected? Abderraham.
10.Economic and financial perspectives on intensive groundwater use. Imp-Garrido.
11.How groundwater ownership and rights influence groundwater intensive use management. Imp-Burchi.
12.Rules rather than rights: self-regulation in intensively used groundwater systems. Van Steenbergen.
13.Groundwater collective management systems: the United States experience. Smith.
14.Public and stakeholder education to improve groundwater management. Mc Clurg.
15.Intensive use of groundwater in North America. Ragone.
16.Socio-ecology of groundwater irrigation in India. Deb Roy.
17.Intensive use of groundwater in some areas of China and Japan. Sakura.
18.Intensive groundwater use in the Middle East and North Africa. Khate.
19.Intensive groundwater use in Spain. Hernandez Mora.
20.Intensive use of groundwater in transboundary aquifers. Puri.
21.Groundwater and poverty: exploring the connections. Moench.
22.Main common concepts, relevant facts and some suggestions. Custodio y Llamas.
23.Author index.
24.Acronyms index.pdf
25-Subject index.pdf