3º Seminario Nacional: Ventajas y desventajas del empleo de la huella hidrológica para el análisis de las políticas de agua y alimentaria

1. The pros and cons of the water footprint as a tool for Integrated Water Resources Management. Prof. Ramón Llanas (OA,FB).

2. Virtual Water and Water Footprints: can we enhance the discussion? Dennis Wilchens (CGIAR).

3. Water Footprint as a tool to inform policy: challenges and opportunities. Maite Aldaya (UNEP).

4. Sensitivity to house expenditure and income variation of the water footprint of Spain. Ignacio Cazcarro (University of Zaragoza).

5. Usefulness of the water footprint for water management and planning in the Guadiana River Basin. José Ángel Rodríguez Cabellos (CH Guadiana).

6. Way(s) ahead to make water footprint meaningful in water planning. Bárbara Willaarts, Alberto Garrido and Water Observatory Phd Students.

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