National seminars of the Water Observatory
These are short seminars whose purpose is to debate, in an interdisciplinary environment, various topics related to the research activities carried out by the Water Observatory, mainly in Spain.

Seminars in 2020
- November. Webinar on Public Sector Contracts for water infrastructures.
- June. Seminar on the application of Machine Learning techniques for the management of water resources.
- March. Debate session on water purification and quality in the Manzanares and Jarama rivers.
Seminars in 2019
- November. Conference on sustainability of groundwater and the Water Framework Directive.
- October. Conference on the economic challenges to achieve good water status.
- May. Wastewater Treatment Workshop.
Seminars in 2018
- September. Seminar on Urban Wastewater Treatment.
- February. Water management under debate: special drought plans and emergency plans for urban supply.
Seminars in 2017
- December. Scientific-technical seminar on “Indicators of environmental impacts of food consumption products”. Co-organised with the Chair of Environmental Ethics Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno Foundation – University of Alcalá.
- June. The use of water in Mediterranean agriculture. Co-organised with the Cajamar-UPM Chair of Agricultural Economics and Policy.
- March. From the carbon footprint to the water footprint. Co-organised with the Fundación Ingeniero Jorge Juan – Madrid AquaEnergy Forum.
Seminars in 2016
- December. Open data in the water sector in Spain.
- May/June. First and second brainstorming session on intangible values in Integrated Water Resources Management.
Seminars in 2015
Seminars in 2013
- January. Reflections on the first cycle of hydrological planning of the Water Framework Directive in Spain.
- January. Informal water markets in Spain: a first approximation.
- January. Transparency and water concessions in Spain.
Seminars in 2012
- May. Water and Nature.
- April. Aid for Development Cooperation: balance and experiences.
- January. Hydrological Planning and the use of the Water Footprint in Spain.
Seminars in 2011
- June. The formal water markets in Spain.
- April. Transparency in water management.
- March. Collective Groundwater Management.
- February. Advantages and disadvantages of the use of the hydrological footprint for the analysis of water and food policies.
- February. The role of groundwater in Spain’s water policy