It is a program developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of Cantabria that favours the physical, emotional, intellectual and social growth of people, promotes communication and improves coexistence in schools based on work with teachers, students and families.
- Know and trust themselves
- Understand others.
- Recognize and express emotions and ideas.
- Develop self-control.
- Learn to make responsible decisions.
- Value and take care of your health.
- Improve your social skills

Programme Evaluation
A number of research show the benefits of emotional education in the learning, well-being and integral development of students. The intensive application of the Fundación Botin’s Responsible Education programme is externally evaluated to determine its impact on the classroom.
Thus, periodically, two types of external evaluations are carried out: pedagogical and psychological, which you SEE HERE.
«Being a trainer in the Fundación Botin’s Responsible Education programme has been a very rewarding experience. It has given me the opportunity to get to know in greater depth the teachers who are starting in this wonderful adventure and to verify that both they and I share the same illusion, the attempt to improve every day, enrich our teaching practice, prevent conflicts, learn from each other and enjoy ».Pepa Rocha Medinarefle, trainer in the RE programme in Murcia.
Responsible Education Resources
Responsible Education is based on the application, -from different curricular areas and school contexts- of its educational resources. These come from literature, music, plastic and visual arts … and adapted to the different educational stages from kindergarten to high school (3-16 years), attending to different profiles of educational centres integrated in the Network.
Teachers receive training in the application of these educational resources to implement them in the classroom.

Ideas and proposals for the promotion of well-being and the integral development of students through audio-visual aids and group work techniques that encourage and facilitate their active participation.
FROM 3 – 16 yrs

Books, activities and strategies that promote the identification and emotional expression and a way to enjoy reading from the pre-reading stage of childhood.
FROM 3 – 5 yrs

Choir singing is a powerful playful tool available to anyone.
Regardless of your musical talent. Work is done in the infant, primary and secondary stages with the entire classroom.
FROM 3 – 16 yrs.

Through the plastic arts, the RE variables are strengthened in primary and secondary school.
The proposed work is divided into three interrelated and consecutive phases based around an exhibition.
FROM 6 – 16 yrs.

A resource to work the RE variables through literature in primary and secondary school.
Playful activities with books that take place before, during and after reading.
FROM 6 – 16 yrs.
Responsible Education