

Course of the Water Observatory

2018 courses

  • July. Course on Access to Water in International Cooperation Projects. Organisers: Water Observatory of the Botin Foundation, Social Promotion Foundation and Complutense University of Madrid.
  • April May. Online course on the evaluation of the water footprint. Organisers: International Centre for Underground Hydrology Foundation in collaboration with the Botin Foundation’s Water Observatory, Water Footprint Network and Good Stuff International.
  • April. Workshop «Modelling of water resources with free software: QGIS and SWAT». Organisers: Water Observatory of the Botin and Geoinquietos Foundation.
  • March. Intensive workshop on conflict transformation. Organizers: Water Observatory, Complutense University of Madrid.

2017 courses

2016 courses

2015 courses

2013 courses

2012 courses

2011 courses

2010 courses


Information about the Water Observatory

Learn about the different activities that the Botin Foundation develops in this area.

National Seminars

National Seminars

Short seminars whose purpose is to debate various topics related to the research activities developed by the Water Observatory in Spain.

International Seminars

International Seminars

Short seminars whose purpose is to debate various topics related to the research activities developed by the Water Observatory at the international level.



Debate platform from where national and international experts give presentations on current issues related to water resources.