The Botin Foundation’s Water Observatory is an interdisciplinary think-tank that aims to contribute to current and emerging debates on water management in Spain and around the world, and to promote and improve water policy. The Observatory pursues the following objectives:
- To be a laboratory of ideas for innovation in the management of water resources.
- Serve as a meeting place for debate between experts -national and international- in water management, and
- Contribute to the transfer of new knowledge to society in general and to water managers, emphasizing the governance and sustainable use of water resources.
The Water Observatory was officially created in 2008, but the first studies on water by the Botin Foundation began in 1998. Since then it has specialised in the analysis of the governance and comprehensive management of water, with a national perspective and global.

Information about the Water Observatory
Learn about the different activities that the Botin Foundation develops in this area.
National Seminars
Short seminars whose purpose is to debate various topics related to the research activities developed by the Water Observatory in Spain.
International Seminars
Short seminars whose purpose is to debate various topics related to the research activities developed by the Water Observatory at the international level.
National and international practical and theoretical courses on water resources and organised by the Water Observatory from 2010 to 2018.
Debate platform from where national and international experts give presentations on current issues related to water resources.
Awards for Sustainable Water Management
The Water Observatory announces each year three awards for innovation and the dissemination of ideas, projects and technologies with proven results for sustainable water management.
Research Topics
Since 1998, work and research has been carried out on numerous topics, generating and sharing knowledge. This work aims to contribute to the debates on water management in Spain and the world.
Calls and opportunities at the Water Observatory
Find here relevant announcements about job opportunities, awards, etc.
The Water Observatory Team
Meet the multidisciplinary team that works to improve the management of water and aquatic ecosystems.
Action areas
With a strong vocation for objectivity and rigorous analysis of facts and data, the Water Observatory enshrines independence and freedom of thought, and promotes interdisciplinary knowledge. Natural sciences, economics and social sciences are never lacking in their analyses, with the aim of offering ideas and providing conclusions that are politically relevant.
Currently the work of the Water Observatory is focused on three areas:
- Promote the sustainability dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals (water / carbon footprint) in relation to consumer goods and consumer behavior.
- Contribute to improving the state of rivers in Spain by advancing knowledge related to hydromorphological alterations and water quality.
- Promote the training of water professionals and the environmental awareness of citizens on different aspects of the sustainable management of water resources.