The Water Observatory analyses groundwater from an inter and multidisciplinary perspective, looking primarily, not at the classical hydrogeology and groundwater hydrology, but giving great weight to economic, environmental, legal and social aspects.
Numerous documents have been published on this topic. During the years 2000-2003, a series of 13 monographs was published, called Groundwater Project Papers (PAS – Papeles del Projecto Aguas Subterráneas), and six books published by Mundi Prensa. In 2009 an informative book in coordination with IGME, the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and UNESCO on ‘Las aguas subterráneas: Un recurso natural del subsuelo‘ was published. In recent years, 2015 and 2016, two doctoral thesis have ben published on ‘Flujos, huellas y valores: visiones y decisiones sobre el agua subterránea en España‘ and ‘Análisis de las acciones colectivas en la gobernanza del agua subterránea en España‘. In 2017 a book on ‘Advances in Groundwater Governance‘ together with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) has been published.