Challenges and paradigms in water management

Water Observatory

The numerous works in relation to the Spanish situation show that the widespread idea of water scarcity in Spain is to a large extent an obsolete hydromyth. It is well known that Spain is one of the most arid countries in the European Union. Thus, if this happens in Spain, it could also occur in other countries. At the same time, it offers a message of hope for the resolution of water conflicts experienced for half a century in Spain.

This issue has been address in several publications, including the five monographgs of the Water and Food Security and Care of Nature (SHAN) series, the book “Water, agriculture and the environment in Spain: Can we square the circle?“, the monograph El agua en España: Bases para un pacto de futuro, the book “Water for food security and well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean. Social and environmental implications for a globalized economy” and the monograph Análisis académico del Plan Hidrológico de la Demarcación Hidrográfica del Segura 2015-2021 a la luz de modernos conceptos de la ciencia de los recursos del agua.


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