Bringing society closer to sustainable water management

Water Observatory

The Water Observatory has always tried to disseminate innovative advances on the water management problems.

Every year, the Water Observatory convenes the Prizes to Young Talent, which includes three prizes to acknowledge innovation, dissemination of ideas, projects and technologies developed by young professionals that have proven to contribute to sustainable water management.

More recently, the “Caminar el Agua” initiative has been launched, which seeks to investigate the watercourses in cities, through a series of participatory and civic activities, complemented by a series of walking tours through the water territories. The aim is to explore and discover the elements of the complex water, city and society relationship, through different means and registers in order to contribute and encourage greater exploration and knowledge of the water heritage and its relationship with the urban fabric, highlighting the water value for the development of the coexisting society.


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Ethics of water and transparency of information

Ethics of water and transparency of information

The relevance of ethical issues in water policy has always been present in the activities of the WO. For instance, a chapter is devoted to the topic in the book of Llamas and Hernández-Mora (2001).

Water footprint and environmental sustainability related to food consumption and agricultural production

Water footprint and environmental sustainability related to food consumption and agricultural production

Sustainable consumption and production is one of the main challenges for humanity and an important part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.



The Water Observatory analyses groundwater from an inter and multidisciplinary perspective, looking primarily, not at the classical hydrogeology and groundwater hydrology, but giving great weight to economic, environmental, legal and social aspects.

Challenges and paradigms in water management

Challenges and paradigms in water management

The numerous works in relation to the Spanish situation show that the widespread idea of water scarcity in Spain is to a large extent an obsolete hydromyth.

Improvement of the environmental quality of the waters

Improvement of the environmental quality of the waters

The achievement of the good status of rivers includes both having adequate liquid and solid (sediments) flows to maintain aquatic ecosystems and good water quality.

Water-energy nexus

Water-energy nexus

Water, energy and land, which are increasingly under pressure, are fundamental to human development and wellbeing.