Aimed at small and medium-sized social organisations throughout Spain that are concerned about improving their internal efficiency..
Through a public call for social entities, , the social organizations that are selected will carry out a two-year program.
First year: They work on their internal consolidation
Organizations work in their key management areas. They carry out a Training and Work Plan to improve their main management areas, with the support of a mentor.
To assess the degree of transformation of the entities after passing through the programme, they carry out a self-diagnosis (initial and final) in seven internal management areas (strategy, financial sustainability, processes and tools, communication, structure and teams, impact measurement and digitization).
Second year: Incorporate external talent in the organisations
In order to guarantee the definitive boost of a specific strategic area, the organizations may apply to the programme for financial aid aimed at hiring a professional or a specific professional service (co-financed by the entity and the Botin Foundation).
- OPTION 1. Hiring an external professional service. In which 80% of the total cost of the service will be financed, up to a maximum of € 20,000 per entity. The remaining 20% will be covered by the beneficiary entity.
- OPTION 2. Hiring a professional to join the entity. In which 60% of the cost of the contract will be financed, up to a maximum of € 20,000 per entity. The remaining 40% will be covered by the beneficiary entity.
In the event that the entity decides on this second option, it will define the professional profile that it needs to incorporate into the entity, the search and selection of which will be carried out through a public call for unemployed professionals. The entire selection process of said professional will be outsourced to an expert HR consultant.

Additional Services
The entities of this second year will receive other services focused on improving their degree of professionalisation:
– LEGAL / TAX ADVICE through the collaboration that the programme has with Garrigues, conducting a review of the situation of each organization in the legal or fiscal areas that each entity decides. This service will be free and voluntary for organisations that request it.
– AUDIT OF ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OR IMPLEMENTATION OF A QUALITY SYSTEM. This service will be voluntary for organisations that are not audited and that want to audit their accounts for the first time or want to implement a quality system (ISO 90015 Certification). It will be co-financed by the Botin Foundation and the beneficiary entity.
– ACCESS TO THE SOLIDARITY TALENT NETWORK, the programme’s network that offers numerous activities, meetings and services to organisations.
Calls for applications from social entities
Who can participate
Non-profit foundations and associations with headquarters in Spain, with a state, regional, provincial or local scope of action and any sector of activity, that want to develop or improve certain strategic areas of their organisation and address the learning of new management models that the digital age demands.
- Have its headquarters in Spain.
- Have passed three years since its incorporation (these 3 years could be reached throughout the year 2020).
- Not exceed an annual income volume of 2,000,000 euros.
- The number of employees in the entity must be between 2 and 25 (with an employment contract, which may be full-time or part-time).
Submission of applications
Organisations that wish to submit their application to the call must access the online form that will be available when a new call opens.
In addition to filling in the required data, on the online form they must attach a presentation video of their entity that explains the activity they carry out, the strategic area they want to work on to improve their management throughout the year, what external professional services or what type of professional profile they would need to employ to achieve said improvement and show interest in joining the Solidarity Talent Network. This video cannot exceed 4 minutes.
Only one application per entity may be submitted and applications not completed correctly will not be taken into account in the call.
Calls for applications from unemployed professionals
From Solidarity Talent, we are looking for unemployed professionals who are concerned about working in the Social Sector. Our purpose is to detect the best talent so that they can contribute all their knowledge and experience in small and medium-sized non-profit organisations throughout Spain, which play a decisive role in the social and economic reconstruction of Spain.
Who can participate
Unemployed professionals with at least 5 years of professional experience who want to join the social organisations that we select in each edition.
- Be unemployed or a self-employed professional without activity.
- Have a degree appropriate to the profile proposed by the organisation, which is duly accredited.
- Have prior accredited work experience in any sector of activity of at least five years.
In addition, the following will be of added valued:
- Have completed a postgraduate degree from a prestigious university or business school, Spanish or foreign, in any sector of activity.
- Have completed a specialisation course or programme related to the Third Sector.
- High level of languages.
- Having maintained some type of prior collaboration (employed personnel, volunteers, partners, etc.) with a non-profit organization.
- • Have a successful professional career, being able to accredit specific achievements in the objectives that you had in each job that you have carried out.
Presentation of applications
Unemployed professionals or self-employed without activity who wish to participate in the call, may apply to any of the positions published, through the online form that will be available once the call is opened.
In addition to filling in the required data on the online form, you must attach your CV and a video of a maximum of four minutes in which you briefly describe:
- Your most relevant professional career, highlighting the achievements and objectives achieved, as well as strengths and areas for improvement.
- Brief explanation of how you would define yourself from a professional point of view (technical, managerial, administration etc.) and personal (description of your personal skills).
- What would be your most relevant contributions to the project and to the organisation you would join if selected.
The candidate selection process will be carried out with the collaboration of an expert consultant in personnel selection, who will contact those candidates, who, in their opinion, are more suited to the profile requested by the entities and carry out the corresponding interviews until proposing a selection of finalist candidates for each project to the social organisations that need to fill these positions.
The professionals who become finalists in the selection process carried out by the consultant will be interviewed by each of the social organisations selected in the corresponding edition, these being the ones that determine the most suitable among all the finalist candidates to work in their entity.
Each candidate may only apply to one of the published positions.
Solidarity Talent Calls for Applications