Created in 2011, the Master in Emotional, Social and Creativity Education was launched, within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence of the University of Cantabria, through an agreement between the Botin Foundation and the Faculty of Education.

Currently, we have created a new edition (March – November 2021). We want to continue responding to a real social and educational need, oriented to the world of work and innovation in education. On this occasion, we do it hand in hand with the Francisco de Vitoria University of Madrid in a 100% online program that consists of 35 ECTS credits.
Management of the Programme
Sonia González, Cultural Transformation Consultant, and Adriana Yépez, Coordinator of the Responsible Education Programme..
Course Modules
There are five modules of the programme and the pedagogical model “Awakening, Discovering and Deciding” is present in each of them:
- The framework of the educational relationship:: Establish the foundations of the educational relationship, integrating the three educational dimensions: teaching, educating, accompanying.
- The affective dynamism of the person:: Discover the process of identification and expression of emotions (from emotion to affection) and the intrinsic relationship between affection, intelligence and will in each evolutionary stage.
- The relational dynamism of the person: : Understand the conditions to generate encounters in each training action: social skills and relationships.
- The creative dynamism of the person:: Understand creativity as a condition of possibility for personal and community growth (game theory).
- : Understand the implication of personal and institutional processes of change.

It is aimed at qualified professionals interested in education, both formal and non-formal, who want to improve their own skills in this field, as well as learn about pioneering and scientifically validated innovation resources to develop in their personal and professional contexts.
You can find all the information on:
Programme in Emotional, Social and Creativity Education for Educational Transformation