

One of the objectives of the Botin Foundation is to develop the creativity of the population through the arts and the emotions they produce.

In 2012, the Botin Foundation published the international report “Good morning creativity!” that showed the importance of creativity in our society, specifically in the educational field.

In 2014, the Foundation took another step forward with the international report “Arts and Emotions that enhance creativity” that analyses how the arts, and specifically six of them (plastic arts, cinema, dance, literature, music and theatre), move us and they enhance our imagination and the capacity we have to create.

The main objective of this report is to raise awareness about the importance of the arts in training people due to the benefits they produce in personal and social development, as well as in our creative skills.

The results of this research will soon be used to launch innovative programmes at the Botin Centre of Santander that develop the creativity of the population through the arts and the emotions they produce

Arts and emotions that enhance creativity 2014

This report analyses how the arts, and specifically six of them (plastic arts, cinema, dance, literature, music and theatre), excite us and enhance our imagination and the capacity we have to create.

The main objective of this report is to raise awareness about the importance of the arts in training people due to the benefits they produce in personal and social development, as well as in our creative skills.

Presentación de Emilio Botín
Intervención de Christopher Clouder:
Intervención de José Luis Vicario
Intervención de Marja Kokkonen
Intervención de Belinda Heys
Intervención de David Brierley
Intervención de Tim Papatzikis
Intervención de Antonio Santos
Intervención de Fátima Sánchez
Intervención de Zorana Ivcevic
Intervención de Esteban Sanz Vélez
Intervención de Albert Boadella
Resumen del día de la presentación

Good morning creativity! 2012

This report brings us closer to the benefits that creativity brings us in a personal capacity and its possibilities to generate wealth and economic and social development. For this we must take care of children’s creativity, as well as awaken it in those cases in which it is somewhat asleep.

In any case, our goal is to say every day: Good morning creativity!

Vídeo proyectado en el acto de presentación
Resumen del acto de presentación
Ana Cutler, directora de Learning, TATE
Christopher Clouder, director de la Plataforma para la Innovación en Educación
Íñigo Sáenz de Miera, director general de la Fundación Botín
Paul Jackson, director del colegio de primaria Gallions, Londres

Martina Leibovici, CEO de ARGE Erziehungsberatung und Forbildung GmbH, Austria
Francesc Posas, catedrático Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Fátima Sánchez Santiago, directora área de Educación Fundación Botín


Information on the area of Education

Learn more about the courses of action in which the Botin Foundation intervenes with the aim of promoting a better education by actively involving the whole educational community.