The Botin Foundation annually announces its Scholarships for University Studies, grants that are aimed both at young Cantabrians or residents of Cantabria who begin their undergraduate studies in the 2022/2023 academic year, as well as those who are already doing them.
Academic excellence is the only scale to select the successful candidates, following the Foundation’s purpose of promoting the integral development of society, locating the talent capable of generating progress and committing to them. The duration of these scholarships is nine months and can be extended year after year if the candidate continues to meet the criteria established in the call and competing with the rest of the applications under equal conditions.
Aimed at Cantabrian students who begin their studies in the year 2022/2023 and those who are already doing them.
The award will be announced in September.
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Scholarships for university studies
Duration: 9 months.
Aimed at: Young Cantabrians or residents of the region who are starting their undergraduate studies or who are already doing them.
Application: Closed