
Javier Botín-Sanz de Sautuola
y O´Shea
Javier Botin has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Botin Foundation since 2004 and has chaired it since 2014.
Graduated in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, he has a long professional career in the financial world. He is Chairman and CEO of JB Capital Markets, the first independent securities company in Spain with capitalisation, of which he was a founder. Likewise, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of Banco Santander since 2004, as an external proprietary member.
He collaborates with other non-profit institutions such as the Princess of Gerona Foundation and the Prehistoric Research Institute of Cantabria, of which he is a Trustee, and with the Real Golf de Pedreña, whose Board of Directors he has chaired since 2009.
Íñigo Sáenz de Miera
Secretary (non-Board Member)
Advisory councils
Advisory Commission
Luis Bassat, Pilar del Castillo, Pedro García Barreno, Antonio Garrigues Walker, Carmen Iglesias, Francisco Jarauta, Emilio Lamo de Espinosa, Jaime Lamo de Espinosa, Ricardo Martí Fluxá, Regina Revilla, Eduardo Serra and Gustavo Suárez Pertierra.
Art Advisory Commission
Vicente Todolí -President-
Paloma Botín, Udo Kittelmann, Manuela Mena, María José Salazar and Bárbara Rodríguez Muñoz.
Management Team

José Manuel Setién
Director of Administration

María Cagigas
Director of Communication