Collaboration of the Botin Foundation
The Botin Foundation develops programmes in the fields of art and culture, education, institutional consoldiation, science and rural development. In addition, it collaborates with other institutions and foundations with which it shares strategies and objectives.
Such is the case of the Santander Creativa Foundation, the Princesa de Girona Foundation, the Isaac Albéniz Foundation, El Ateneo de Santander, Empieza by Educar, the Plaza Porticada Association, the Casa de Cantabria in Madrid, the Santander International Festival and the project of excavation, restoration and enhancement of the funerary temple of Pharaoh Tutmosis III, Luxor.

“In 2021, Santander Creativa will be ten years old. During this journey it has had the committed support of the Botin Foundation in a joint effort to strengthen the local cultural fabric, favouring the professionalisation of the sector and enriching the cultural activities on offer in the city”..
“«Contributing to the development of the programmes of the Princess of Girona Foundation demonstrates the Botin Foundation’s commitment to supporting the youth of our country, providing them with the tools they need to build their future and be protagonists in the transformation of their environment».
MÓNICA MARGARIT. General Director of the Princess of Girona Foundation.
«The repeated support of the Botin Foundation to the Comillas Foundation is vital in every way, both economically and academically. Not only are they collaborating in the rehabilitation of the church of the Main Seminary, a work of great importance, but they also offer our students internship grants, thus giving them the opportunity to begin their professional career in a prestigious entity».
MANUEL PRECIADO. General Director of the Fundación Comillas.
«The collaboration of the Botin Foundation with Valdecilla has been the key to launching the Evaltec project (Valdecilla Health Technology Assessment), through which we want to establish a health technology assessment model prior to its implementation in the Valdecilla health sector, based on usability and the human factor. The goal of this programme is for health technology to help improve efficiency and patient safety through proper selection and effective use. In these first months of launching the project, alliances have been established with one of the world’s leading centres in technology assessment, the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation located in Toronto, which has enabled Valdecilla teams to train and organize a conference with the participation of the industry as well as that of healthcare. The support of the Botin Foundation has allowed the establishment of these alliances and has been an essential engine in this first year, which will end with the development of a usability test as a fundamental step for its incorporation into the innovative public procurement framework”.
GALO PERALTA. Managing Director of the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL).
«Thanks to ExE I have discovered the classroom as a wonderful space in which magical things happen that fill anyone on a personal and professional level, I have left my comfort zone several times and for that reason, like a disk that picks up speed, I have come out with recharged energy that I hope will help me to continue working for a better society with an excellent education for everyone »..
POL GUARDIA. . Student of Empieza por Educar.